Supporting AWC Antwerp benefits the philanthropic activities of the club.
Would you like to make a donation to the club in the name of a family member or friend, perhaps in lieu of a gift
Every EURO is important, and your generosity makes a difference.
You can donate to the club by making a transfer to the AWC Antwerp Philanthropic account;
Account number is BE72 7360 1415 7216
Please mention that this is a donation, include the project that you are donating to and your name in the reference.
Thomas Sperling, 2023 recipient, Education Awards
How to donate directly to The FAWCO donation
By donating to The FAWCO Foundation, you are investing in education, health, and human rights, providing opportunities for those in need and creating a brighter future for all.
To donate, click on The FAWCO Foundation, and then choose where your funds will be applied: